
The Giza pyramids are the dramatic backdrop for a new installation by anonymous Spanish artist SpY. Inspired by Egyptian symbolism and mathematics.
3 minute read
Here are three Japanese companies with solutions that they hope will help their country cut its food waste in half by 2030, perhaps saving a bit of the planet along the way.
12 minute read
A new retreat in the Hudson Valley from the perennially hip, Taavo Somer
5 minute read
Paris menswear label travels to Scotland for stunning video lookbook
Colorful earthenware bowls slip-cast from molds of actual oranges
Pioneered By Painter Erin Hanson
5 minute read
SHFT @ SXSW By Peter Glatzer
9 minute read
This spaced out animation takes the song's title as literal inspiration
Stunning time-lapse cinematography starring the Windy City